Composer Lori Laitman says in her Huffington Post Interview:
«…The piece also offers unusual casting flexibility, as I have created three distinct vocal lines for Hester. The original lines had been tailored for Elizabeth Futral, but when coloratura Laura Claycomb stepped in for Elizabeth, I rewrote the lines again to take advantage of Laura’s extraordinary top range. Laura’s floating soft high notes create moments of breathtaking beauty, and add to the complexity of Hester’s portrait…»
Read the entire article here:
Hi Laura Hello from Singapore! Big fan of your technique videos and performances on Youtube. Been a singer for about
Hello Ms Claycomb, hope everything is well with you. i am Tata, live in Boston and study vocal. I found your v
Hi Laura, It has been great to find this. I have admired you since our days in NATS (I was in OK at OCU). I don't know i
Many thanks for thinking of me!! :-)