Offenbach: Entre nous / London Philharmonic Orchestra / Parry

Entre Nous

«Entre Nous: Celebración de Offenbach» traza la extraordinaria carrera de una de las grandes personalidades del siglo 19: el compositor, empresario y escritor satírico Jacques Offenbach. Compuso más de 100 obras para la escena, sin embargo, sólo una fracción de …

Berlioz: Benvenuto Cellini / Norrington

Benvenuto Cellini - NorringtonBERLIOZ: Benvenuto Cellini Op. 23 (Weimar version)   2:22:30
Berlioz, Hector-Classical Composer | Wailly, Leon de-Lyricist | Barbier, Auguste-Lyricist | Vigny, Alfred de-Lyricist | Ford, Bruce-tenor | Claycomb, Laura-soprano | Hawlata, Franz-bass | Groop, Monica-mezzo-soprano | Maltman, Christopher-baritone | …


  • Hi Laura Hello from Singapore! Big fan of your technique videos and performances on Youtube. Been a singer for about

  • Hello Ms Claycomb, hope everything is well with you. i am Tata, live in Boston and study vocal. I found your v

  • Hi Laura, It has been great to find this. I have admired you since our days in NATS (I was in OK at OCU). I don't know i

  • Many thanks for thinking of me!! :-)

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