Composer Lori Laitman says in her Huffington Post Interview:
« …The piece also offers unusual casting flexibility, as I have created three distinct vocal lines for Hester. The original lines had been tailored for Elizabeth Futral, but when coloratura Laura Claycomb stepped in for Elizabeth, I rewrote the lines again to take advantage of Laura’s extraordinary top range. Laura’s floating soft high notes create moments of breathtaking beauty, and add to the complexity of Hester’s portrait… »
Read the entire article here:
Hi Laura Hello from Singapore! Big fan of your technique videos and performances on Youtube. Been a singer for about
Hello Ms Claycomb, hope everything is well with you. i am Tata, live in Boston and study vocal. I found your v
Hi Laura, It has been great to find this. I have admired you since our days in NATS (I was in OK at OCU). I don't know i
Many thanks for thinking of me!! :-)