- This is a compilation of books taken almost verbatim from the VocaList list of books… In its entirety, you can download it at http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/mdo1/vocbooks.txt Only books in BOLD are expressly recommended by me.
Many thanks to Michael Olitz, who compiled the original!!
Sorry I don’t have time to include links to click through to buy each book, but I have a career to follow and a life to lead!!
- Adler, Kurt.
The Art of Accompanying and Coaching. New York, Da Capo Press, 1971. - Alderson, Richard M.
Complete handbook of voice training. West Nyack, NY, Parker Pub. Co., 1979. - Andreas, Esther and Robert Fowells
The Voice of Singing. New York, Carl Fischer, 1970. « small [56 pp] but informative … [re] teaching vocal pedagogy » - Appelman, Dudley Ralph
The science of vocal pedagogy: theory and application. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1967. $22.95 - Brown, William Earl, Strongin, Lillian, ed.
Vocal Wisdom, Maxims of Giovanni Battista Lamperti. enlarged ed. New York: Taplinger Publishing Company, 1957. - Coffin, Berton
- Historical Vocal Pedagogy Classics. Metuchen NJ and London, Scarecrow Press, 1989. 0-8108-2199-0.
- Overtones of Bel Canto. Metuchen, New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1980.
- Sounds of Singing. 2nd ed. Metuchen, New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1987.
- Doscher, Barbara
The Functional Unity of the Singing Voice, 2nd ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1994. 0810827085 $35 - Fields, Victor Alexander, 1901-
training the singing voice, an analysis of the working concepts contained in recent contributions to vocal pedagogy. New York, King’s Crown Press, 1947. - Frisell, Anthony
- The Tenor Voice. Boston, B. Humphries, 1964. Brandon Press, 1968.
- The Soprano Voice. Boston, B. Humphries, 1966.
- The Baritone Voice. Boston, Crescendo Pub. Co. 1972. 0-87597-070-2
- Garcia, Manuel, II
- A complete treatise on the art of singing: complete and unabridged; the editions of 1847 and 1872 collated, edited, and translated by Donald V. Paschke. 2 vol. New York: Da Capo Press, 1975- 1984. (english translation of « L’Art du Chant »)
- Hints on singing. Canoga Park, Calif., Summit Pub. Co. [1970]
- Giles, Peter
The history and technique of the counter-tenor. Aldershot, Hants, England: Scolar Press; Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate Pub. Co., 1993. earlier edition: The counter tenor. London, Muller, 1982. - Hahn, Reynaldo.
On singers and singing: lectures and an essay. Portland, Or., Amadeus Press, 1990. 0-931340-22-5 [collection of lectures given by author in the 1910’s. originally in French] - Herbert-Caesari, Edgar F.
- The Alchemy of Voice. London, R. Hale, 1965. The science and sensations of vocal tone; a school of natural vocal Mechanics. Boston, Crescendo Publishers, 1968.
- Tradition and Gigli, 1600-1955: A Panegyric. London, Robert Hale Limited, 1958 and 1963. review [a defense of the Traditional « bel canto » method of teaching singing, in contrast to the physiological/formant-conscious methods]
- Vocal truth; some of the things I teach, Boston, Crescendo Pub. Co., 1969.
- The Voice of the Mind, 2nd ed. London, R. Hale; Boston, Crescendo Pub. Co., 1971, c1963. tapes of drills of Caesari method available from Gloria Rusch, School of Natural Voice,11726 La Maida Street Valley Village, CA 91607. (818) 506-0236, -5559 (fax)
- Hines, Jerome
Great Singers on Great Singing. Garden City NY, Doubleday, 1982 - Kagen, Sergius
On Studying Singing. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1950. « Not about how to sing but about how to *learn* to sing. » 0-486-20622-X. $3.95. - Large, John W. ed.
Vocal registers in singing. Proceedings of a Symposium (Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, 1969, and NATS, Cleveland, 1969) The Hague, Paris, Mouton, 1973. - Lehmann, Lilli.
How to Sing (english translation of Meine Gesangskunst). New rev. and supplemented ed. New York: Dover Publications, 1993. - Lindsley, Charles
Fundamentals of Singing: for voice classes. Belmont, CA, Wadsworth Publishing, 1985.[among other things, covers practicing and related topics.] - McKinney, James C.
The diagnosis and cure of vocal faults. Revised edition. Nashville, Tenn, Genevox Press, [1994]. - Marchesi, Salvatore, 1822-1908.
A vademecum for singing-teachers and pupils. New York, G. Schirmer, 1902. - Martienssen-Lohmann, Franziska.
Stimme und Gestaltung : die Grundprobleme des Liedgesanges. Frankfurt (Main) : Kahnt, 1993. Der wissende Sänger; Gesangslexikon in Skizzen. [Zürich] Atlantis Verlag [1956] - Miller, Richard
- English, French, German and Italian Techniques of Singing: A Study in National Tonal Preferences and How They Relate to Functional Efficiency. Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, 1977.
- The Structure of Singing: System and Art in Vocal Technique. New York, Schirmer Books, 1986.
- Training Tenor Voices. ibid, 1993.
- Monahan, Bren Jeffrey.
The Art of Singing: A Compendium of Thoughts on Singing Published Between 1777 and 1927, Metuchen NJ and London, Scarecrow Press, 1978. 0-8108-1155-3 review [excerpts from many books of the period, chosen for their importance at the time written. « like a summary of all the different major ideas in vocal pedagogy over 150 years. »] - Palisca, Claude V., ed.
The Florentine Camerata: documentary studies and translations. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989. - Reid, Cornelius
- Bel canto: principles and practices. New York, Coleman-Ross,1950.
- Essays on the Nature of Singing. Huntsville, Texas: Recital Publications, 1992.
- The free voice, a guide to natural singing. ibid, 1965.
- Voice: psyche and soma. New York, J. Patelson Music House, 1975. A dictionary of vocal terminology: an analysis. ibid, 1983.
- Riggs, Seth
Singing for the Stars: a Complete Program for Training Your Voice. Van Nuys, Alfred Publishing, 1985. 0-88284-340-0 book/2 cass. $35 0-88284-472-5 + slipcase $45 0-88284-528-4 book/2 CD’s no slipcase $40 « Seth Riggs is well-known in Hollywood and Broadway circles for working with musical theatre and pop stars. He also has many classical clients, several of which have won the Met auditions in the past 8 years. » See archive for publisher Address if needed. - Rushmore, Robert
The Singing Voice, 2nd ed. New York, Dembner Books, distributed by W.W. Norton, 1984. - Schiotz, Aksel
The Singer and His Art. New York: Harper & Row, 1970. - Smolover, Raymond
Vocal Behavior Training workshops and workbooks. Contact National Guitar Summer Workshop (NGSW), 222 Stoddard Road, Lakeside CT 06758 1-800-234-NGSW; fax 203-567-0374. [a method for strengthening the vocal muscles to increase power and flexibility, and reduce potential for injury] - Steane, J. B.
Voices: Singers & Critics. Portland, Oregon: Amadeus Press, 1992. « Defines specific standard fachs, by description and by archetypal voices and operatic roles; examines ten famous singers from the earlier part of this century; and presents the disparity between perceptions of recorded singing and of live singing, as heard by famous critics. » - Vennard, William (that’s VENNARD, not VERNARD)
- Developing voices. New York, Carl Fischer, Inc., 1973. 3 LP’s plus a 60p. text.
- Singing: The Mechanism and the Technic. New York, C. Fischer, 1967. [has lots of xrays of vocal cords during singing]
- Wormhoudt, Pearl
Building the Voice as an Instrument. published by the author. order from Pearl Shinn Wormhoudt, William Penn College, Oskaloosa, IA 52577.
- Benninger,Michael S. et alia editors.
Vocal arts medicine: the care and prevention of professional voice disorders. New York, Thieme Medical Publishers; Stuttgart, Georg Thieme Verlag, 1994. $59 - Colton, Raymond H. and Janina K. Casper
Understanding voice problems: a physiological perspective for diagnosis and treatment. Baltimore, Williams and Watkins, 1990. $42 - Sataloff, Robert Thayer
Professional voice: the science and art of clinical care. New York, Raven Press, 1991. $109.50 - Sundberg, Johan
The Science of the Singing Voice. Northern Illinois University Press, 1987. « It’s written in the style of a scientist, namely, he’s not always sure what the « Truth » is, but sort of offers a good summary of the current cutting edge in vocal [physiology] research. »
- Balk, H. Wesley
- The Complete Singer-Actor: Training for Music Theater, 2nd ed. 1985 $39.95 pbk $15.95
- Performing Power: a new approach for the singer-actor. 1985 $39.95 pbk $15.95
- The Radiant Performer: the spiral path to performing power. 1991 $44.95 pbk $18.95; all three from Minneapolis, U. of Minnesota Press.
- Dornemann, Joan with Maria Caccia
Complete Preparation: A Singer’s Guide to Auditioning in Opera Excalibur Publishing, 1992. « clear and concise, and shows how to use the audition process to our advantage: she also gives management rationales for some things that may seem incomprehensible » - Emmons, Shirlee, and Stanley Sonntag
The Art of the Song Recital. New York, Schirmer Books, 1979. « covers the building of a recital from the accompanist/singer relationship to what to wear. It also gives suggested rep. for various voice types in various stages. » - Goldovsky, Boris
Bringing opera to life; operatic acting and stage direction. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1968. - Green, Barry and Timothy Galwey
The Inner Game of Music. Garden City NY, Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1986. - Helfgot, Daniel and William Beeman
The Third Line: The Opera Performer as Interpreter.New York, Macmillan, 1993. $35 « The book shows singers systematically how to go about analyzing the opera score for dramatic and interpretive opportunities often ignored in the opera world, and essentially to take control of their own artistic. [sic] …material on auditions, career management… » - Legge, Anthony
The art of auditioning: a handbook for singers, accompanists and coaches; edited by Trevor Ford. London, Rhinegold, 1988. - Rumiantsev, Pavel Ivanovich
Stanislavski on opera. New York, Theatre Arts Books, 1975. - Shurtleff, Michael
Audition: everything an actor needs to know to get the part. New York, Walker, 1978.
- Kloiber
Handbuch der Oper. Baerenreiter. it is the blue print used in the German theatres. This is what they are expecting when you audition. [Among other things, discusses fachs] - All of Opera America’s publications
- Career Guide for Singers 5th edition – $40 members, $70 non-members
- Perspectives: Making Choices: From Classrooms to Contracts – ($14 members; $19 non-members)
- Perspectives: Business Advice for Singers – ($12 for members; $17 for non-members)
- Audition Advice for Singers (3rd Edition) – ($10 members, $15 non-members.)
- Perspectives: The Singer/Manager Relationship – ($12 members, $17 non-members)
- Eaker, Sherry, editor
The Back Stage Guide for the Performing Artist. Back Stage Publications. $18.95 [Back Stage as in Back Stage Magazine] »each chapter is written by a different contributor to Back stage Magazine, typically a writer who covers the « beat » written about. - Everett, Carole J.
The Performing Arts Major’s College Guide, 2nd ed. New York, Macmillan, 1994. - Garrett, Marty R.
How you can break into the music business without breaking your heart, your dream, or your bank account. Revised ed. Broken Arrow, OK; Lonesome Wind Corporation, 1995. - Halloran, Mark
The Musician’s business and legal guide, 4th ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1991. - Krasilovsky, M. William and Sidney Shemel
This business of music. 7th ed. New York; Billboard Books, 1995. (Shemel’s name appears first in previous editions) - Music Management Company
Directory « lists over 1700 professional management companies….available in book or computer disk forms. retails for $59.95. You can purchase it for $29.95 plus tax. call 818-781-0238 or E-Mail Eric OR YOU COULD SAVE YOURSELF SOME MONEY AND JUST LOOK IN THE BACK OF MUSICAL AMERICA IN YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY! - Peterson’s Guides.
Peterson’s Guide to Professional Programs in the Visual and Performing Arts. Princeton, NJ, Peterson’s Guides, 1996. - Pickard, Wayland
Complete singer’s guide to becoming a working professional.Sherman Oaks, CA; On Demand Data, 1989. [available from Vocal Power Institute] - Senge, Peter M.
- The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization. New York: Doubleday/Currency, c1990. [being savvy and learning from one’s mistakes in the business world; useful for semi-pros and self-employed as well as organizations]
- The Fifth discipline fieldbook: strategies and tools for building a learning organization. New York; Currency, Doubleday, c1994.
- Woodhull, Marta, 1954-
Singing for a living: how to build a career as a singer: making records or singing live in your hometown or on the road. Cincinnati, Ohio, Writer’s Digest Books, c1991
- Babior, Shirley
Overcoming Panic, Anxiety, and Phobias. Pfeifer-Hamilton Publishers,1996. order from 619-542-0536 (in San Diego, CA). $16.95 [author is therapist specializing in treatment of anxiety] - Tony Buzan – any of his memory « Mind Map » books!
- Cameron, Julia.
The artist’s way: a spiritual path to higher creativity. Los Angeles, CA, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Perigee, c1992. « a course for making peace with your creativity and accessing it … very spiritual in its outlook and approach, but does not require any specific belief system. It takes several weeks to complete. » « several actors … claim it is life and career changing » - Campbell, Don – Covey, Stephen R.
The seven habits of highly effective people: restoring the character ethic. New York : Simon and Schuster, c1989. - Gray, John
Your guide to the Alexander Technique. New York, St. Martin’s press, 1991. - Grindea, Carola, ed.
Tensions in the Performance of Music. Foreword by Yehudi Menuhin. New York: Alexander Broude, 1982. - Jeffers, Susan
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. New York, Ballantine Books, 1987. « …about dealing with all kinds of personal fears… directly applicable to working with performance anxiety… offers a number of specific exercises for working on various aspects of fear » - Lane, Deforia
Music as medicine: Deforia Lane’s life of music, healing, and faith. Grand Rapids, Mich., Zondervan, c1994. [cited re: psychology of why people need to sing] - Lorayne
The Memory Book : The Classic Guide to Improving Your Memory at Work, at School, and at Play by Harry Lorayne (Author), Jerry Lucas (Author) - Plotkin, Fred.
Opera 101: a complete guide to learning and loving opera. Hyperion Press, 1994. « talks in [some] detail about the different voice types, the typical roles those voice types sing in opera, and examples of each voice type. » - Ristad, Eloise
A Soprano On Her Head: right-side-up reflections on life and other performances. Moab, Utah, Real People Press, 1982. $7.50 - Robbins, Anthony
Awaken the giant within : how to take immediate control of your mental, emotional, physical & financial destiny. New York, N.Y., Summit Books, c1991 - Salmon, Paul G. and Robert G. Meyer.
Notes From The Green Room: coping with stress and anxiety in musical performance. New York, Lexington Books, 1992. « for performing musicians, it discusses the specific fears that we face and … how we can address them ourselves toward a more productive end » - Sound Healers Association
International Directory and Resource Guide. Sound Healers Association, P.O. Box 2240, Boulder, CO 80306. $21.95. 303-443-8181. « info about over 250 persons and agencies…who are working with sound and healing, and there are also numerous articles written by the pioneers in this field » - Stone, Hal and Sidra Winkelman.
Embracing Our Selves: The Voice Dialogue Manual. San Rafael, CA New World Library, 1989.
- Horne, Marilyn.
Marilyn Horne, my life. New York, Atheneum, 1983. - Liess, Andreas
Carl Orff: Idee und Werk. 2., erw. Ausg. {bearb. von Hannelore Gassner}. Zurich; Freiburg i. Br.; Atlantis-Verlag, c1977 - McGovern, Dennis and Deborah Grace Winer
I remember too much: 89 opera stars speak candidly of their work, their lives, and their colleagues. New York: Morrow, 1990. - Merrill, Robert
Once more from the beginning. New York, Macmillan, 1965. - Peerce, Jan
The bluebird of happiness : the memoirs of Jan Peerce. New York; Harper & Row, 1976. - Pullen, Robert and Stephen Taylor.
Montserrat Caballe’, Casta Diva. London, Victor Gollancz, 1994. - Russell, Anna
I’m not making this up, you know: the autobiography of the queen of musical parody. New York, Continuum, 1985.
- Amis, John and Michael Rose
Words About Music: A Treasury of Writings. New York: Marlowe & Company, 1989. 1-56924-875-3. $14.95. - Ammer, Christine.
The A to Z of Foreign Musical Terms. Boston: ECS Publishing, 1989. 3000 terms translated from French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, and Spanish. Very handy. $7.95. - Braun, Eric
The Internet Directory, 2nd ed. New York, Fawcett Columbine, 1995. - Geertz, Clifford
Local knowledge: further essays in interpretive anthropology. New York, Basic Books, c1983. « Culture as style context, read this and you’ll never sing French like Italian again. » - Hall, Edward Twitchell
The dance of life: the other dimension of time. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1983. « read Hall and you will be able to at least understand the use of attention and rhythm in the different cultural contexts. » [cited re why Italian diction seems to use a different model] - Randel, Don Michael
Harvard concise dictionary of music. Cambridge, MA; Harvard University Press, 1978. - Rosenthal, Harold
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Opera, 1st ed. revised. London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. - Sadie, Stanley
The New Grove dictionary of music and musicians. (6th edition) Washington, Grove’s Dictionaries of Music, 1980. [musicologists refer to this as « Grove 6 »]
This is a compilation of books taken almost verbatim from the VocaList list of books… In its entirety, you can download it at http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/mdo1/vocbooks.txt
Many thanks to Michael Olitz, who compiled the original!!
Only books in BOLD are those expressly recommended by me.
Sorry I don’t have time to include links to click through to buy each book, but I have a career to follow and a life to lead!! Here are GOOGLE or AMAZON.COM, so you can cut and paste the title into the search engine and either find it via its own publisher or on Amazon.
![]() |
- Castel, Nico
- A Singer’s Manual of Spanish Lyric Diction. New York: Excalibur Publishing, 1994. « Includes important regional variants, uses IPA » $15.95.
- The Complete Puccini Libretti in Two Volumes. No other info. IPA transcriptions, word-for-word translations, linguistic explanations, performance notes. $55.00 each volume.
- Coffin, Berton et alia.
Phonetic Readings of Songs and Arias. Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, 1982. « Transcriptions into IPA of standard songs and arias. Definitely not error-free, but arguably a good first step. » $27.50. - Colorni, Evelina
Singers’ Italian: a manual of diction and phonetics. New York, G. Schirmer, 1970. - Copeman, Harold
Singing in Latin, or, Pronunciation explor’d. 1990. also The Pocket Singing in Latin published by author: 22 Tawney St, Oxford OX4 1NJ, England - Cox, Richard G.
The Singer’s Manual of German and French Diction. New York, G. Schirmer, 1970. - de Boor, Helmut, Hugo Moser, and Christian Winkler, eds.
siebs Deutsche Aussprache: Reine und gemaessigte Hochlautung mit Aussprachewoerterbuch. Berlin, Walter de Gryter & Co., 1969 « The standard pronouncing dictionary of German; uses IPA. » - Grubb, Thomas
Singing in French: a manual of French diction and French vocal repertoire. New York, Schirmer Books, 1979. « Uses IPA.Includes a medium-sized catalogue of French vocal literature. » - Kenyon, John S. and Thomas A. Knott
A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English. Springfield, MA: G. & S. Merriam Company, Publishers, 1953. « Uses IPA. Some consistent discrepancies with Madeleine Marshall’s rules, e.g. uses [e] not [EI], uses American [r] exclusively. Valuable nonetheless. » $12.95. - Marshall, Madelaine
The singer’s manual of English diction. New York, G. Schirmer, 1953. - Moriarty, John
Diction: Italian, Latin, French, German: the sounds and 81 exercises for singing them. Boston, E.C. Schirmer Music Co., 1975. - Odom, William
German for Singers: A Textbook of Diction and Phonetics. New York: Schirmer Books, 1981. « Uses IPA. » $15.00. - Piatak, Jean and Regina Avrashov
Russian Songs & Arias: Phonetic Readings, Word-by-Word Translations, and a Concise Guide to Russian Diction. Dallas: Pst…Inc., 1991. « Uses IPA. Diction rules; transliterations and translations of 150 songs/arias. » - Uris, Dorothy.
To sing in English; a guide to improved diction. New York, Boosey and Hawkes, 1971. [not only phonetics but also phraseology and expressiveness] - Wall, Joan
International Phonetic Alphabet for Singers: A Manual for English and Foreign Language Diction. Dallas: Pst…Inc., 1989. $20.95. - Wall, Joan, Robert Caldwell, et alia.
Diction for Singers: A Concise Reference for English, Italian, Latin, German, French, and Spanish Pronunciation. Dallas: Pst…Inc., 1990. $29.95.
- Banfield, Stephen
Sensibility and English Song. Cambridge University Press, yr? ca. $30 « [discusses] early 20th century British composers. » includes bibliography with research suggestions. - Challis, Natalia
The Singer’s Rachmaninoff. Pelion Press, 1989. « [incl.] extensive explanation of IPA specific to Russian and pronunciation of same » - Coffin, Berton
Singer’s Repertoire, 2nd ed. New York, Scarecrow Press, 1960-62.- pt. 1 — Coloratura soprano, lyric soprano, and dramatic soprano.
- pt. 2 — mezzo soprano and contralto.
- pt. 3 — lyric and dramatic tenor
- pt. 4 — baritone and bass
- pt. 5 — program notes for the Singer’s repertoire.
- Dean, Winton
Handel’s dramatic oratorios and masques. London, Oxford U. Press, 1959. - Dunlap, Kay and Barbara Winchester
Vocal chamber music: a performer’s guide. New York; Garland, 1985. - Eaton, Quaintance
- Opera Production I: A Handbook. New York; Da Capo Press, 1961
- Opera Production II: A Handbook. Minneapolis; U. Minnesota Press, 1974 Operas are listed giving a short history of composition, setting, synopsis, length of scenes and/or acts, major roles with ranges and comments on difficulty, lesser roles by voice type, chorus requirements, orchestra requirements, listings of companies which have performed the opera, photo availability, and rental or purchase sources for the materials (as of the date of publication of the book).
- Espina, Noni
Repertoire for the solo voice (2 volumes). Metuchen NJ, Scarecrow Press, 1977. - Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich
- The Fischer-Dieskau book of lieder: New York, Limelight Editions, 1984, c.1976.
- Schubert: a biographical study of his songs. London, Cassell, 1976.
- Goleeke, Thomas.
Literature for Voice: An Index of Songs in Collections and Source Book for Teachers of Singing. Metuchen, N.J., Scarecrow Press, c1984. - Kagen, Sergius
Music for the Voice: a descriptive list of concert and teaching material. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1968. - NATS
repertoire books; Art Song in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography. 1976. - Ord, Alan J.
Songs for Bass Voice: An Annotated Guide. Scarecrow Press. - Pilkington, Michael
Gurney, Ireland, Quilter and Warlock. Bloomington, IN, Indiana University Press, ?. approx. $25. « guide to the solo songs written by the composers with descriptions: range, tonality, meter. …comments on difficulty (voice & piano) and preferred vocal type for the song. » - Price, Curtis Alexander
Henry Purcell and the London Stage. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK 1984. - Reinhard, Thilo
The Singer’s Schumann. New York, Pelion Press, 1989. - Seaton, Douglas
The Art Song: A reference and information guide. New York, Garland,1986. « a source book, containing the titles of many other books concerning [American art song] » - Sams, Eric
- The Songs of Hugo Wolf. Bloomington: Indiana U. Press, 1992.
- The Songs of Robert Schumann. ibid, 1993.
- Cockburn, Jacqueline and Richard Stokes
The Spanish Song Companion. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1992. $39.95. - Coffin, Berton
- Word-by-Word Translation of Songs and Arias: German and French. New York, The Scarecrow Press, Inc. « A standard. Translations are a good starting point, but sometimes not adequate if left undoctored. » $37.50.
- Word-by-Word Translation of Songs and Arias: Italian. ditto.
- Gruber, Paul, ed.
The Metropolitan Opera Book of Mozart Operas. New York: Harper-Collins Publishers, 1991. - Miller, Philip L.
The Ring of Words: An Anthology of Song Texts. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1973. $14.95. - Wigmore, Richard
Schubert–the complete song texts: texts of the Lieder and Italian songs. New York, Schirmer Books, 1988.
- Bernac, Pierre
The Interpretation of French song. New York, Praeger, 1970. - Donington, Robert
- A performer’s guide to Baroque music. New York, C. Scribner’s Sons {1974, c1973}
- Baroque music, style and performance: a handbook. New York, W.W. Norton, 1982.
- Goldovsky, Boris and Arthur Schoep.
Bringing soprano arias to life. New York, G. Schirmer, 1973, and Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1990. - Greene, Harry Plunket.
Interpretation in song. New York: Da Capo Press, 1979. [c1912] - Kloiber
Handbuch der Oper. Baerenreiter. it is the blue print used in the German theatres. This is what they are expecting when you audition. [Among other things, discusses fachs] - Lehmann, Lotte
More than Singing: The Interpretation of Songs. Translated by Frances Holden. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1945. « Detailed interpretive suggestions for about 85 songs…intended not as a recipe book but as a beginning point and inspiration. » $4.95. - Neumann, Frederick
- Ornamentation in Baroque and Post-Baroque Music, Princeton NY, Princeton U. Press, 1983 c1978
- Ornamentation and Improvisation in Mozart. ditto, 1986.
- Poetry into Song: Performance and Analysis of Lieder by Deborah Stein, Robert Spillman (Contributor)
- Berry, Cicely.
Voice and the actor. New York : Collier Books, 1991 [c 1973] - Boleslavsky, Richard.
Acting: The first six lessons. New York, Theatre Arts Books, 1949. - Brook, Peter
The open door: thoughts on acting and theatre. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 1995. [c1993] « anything PB writes is useful » - Bruder, Melissa.
A Practical Handbook for the Actor. New York, Vintage Books, 1986. - Chaikin, Joseph
The presence of the actor. New York, NY: Theatre Communications Group, 1991. « development of character in the modern context » - Checkov, Michael
To The Actor: on the technique of acting. New York, Harper, 1953. - Gregory, William Alfred
The director; a guide to modern theater practice. New York, Funk & Wagnalls, 1968. « Best description of the rites and [roles] of drama » - Grotowski, Jerzy
Towards a poor theatre; London, Methuen, 1969. « Grotowski is the primal force in modern movement technic. » - Hagen, Uta
Respect for Acting. New York, Macmillan, 1973. - Stanislavsky, Konstantin.
- An Actor Prepares. New York, Theatre Arts Books, 1948.
- Building a Character. New York, Theatre Arts Books, 1949.
- Creating a Role. New York, Theatre Arts Books, 1961.
- My Life in Art. New York, Meridian Books, 1948.
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Hi Laura Hello from Singapore! Big fan of your technique videos and performances on Youtube. Been a singer for about
Hello Ms Claycomb, hope everything is well with you. i am Tata, live in Boston and study vocal. I found your v
Hi Laura, It has been great to find this. I have admired you since our days in NATS (I was in OK at OCU). I don't know i
Many thanks for thinking of me!! :-)