A sensational new figure on the Baroque music scene in the early 2000s, conductor Emmanuelle Haïm electrified audiences with her passionate interpretations of operatic and choral works. She has never studied conducting formally, and, like many other performers involved with older repertoire, she first came to early music only in adulthood.
“It’s tempting to think these duets, which Handel composed at various points in his career, are just chips from the master’s block. But they constitute a delightful hour’s worth of music, and when sung with the vocal brilliance and stylishness displayed here by ten top singers in various pairings, they add up to one of those rare discs it’s hard to stop returning to. Handel must have thought a lot of them too–since he reused some of this music for oratorios like Messiah–and turned to the chamber duet form in his last years as well. There isn’t a weak link among the soloists, though the contributions of Natalie Dessay, Veronique Gens, and Sara Mingardo are especially noteworthy. Whether asked to sing plaintive laments or flashy coloratura displays, these well-matched voices thrill. The accompaniments (harpsichord or organ, lute and cello) are faultless. The appeal of this disc extends far beyond Baroque specialists to anyone who enjoys outstanding singing.” –Dan Davis
- Composer: Handel
- Title: Arcadian Duets
- Cast:
Claycomb · Dessay · Gens · Lascarro · Panzarella · Petibon · Mijanovic · Mingardo · Asawa · Agnew · Le Concert d'Astrée · Haïm
- Additional information:
Cantata XX - Ahi, nelle sorte umane HWV 179
Disc 1
1 - Ahi, nelle sorte umane2 - Ma le speranze vane
Cantata XVI - No, di voi non vo` fidarmi HWV189
3 - No, di voi non vuo fidami4 - Altra volta incatenarmi
5 - So per prova i vostri inganni
Cantata 1a - Caro autor di mia doglia HWV182a
6 - Caro autor di mia doglia7 - No, che d`altrui che di te
8 - Dagli amori flagellata
Cantata XV - Quel fior che all`alba ride HWV192
9 - Quel fior che all`alba ride10 - E unfior la vita ancora
11 - L`occaso ha nell`aurora
Cantata IX - Conservate, raddoppiate HWV185
12 - Conservate, raddoppiate13 - Nodi voi, che gli stringeste
Cantata X - Tanti strali al sen mi scocchi HWV197
14 - Tanti strali al sen mi scocchi15 - Ma se l`alma sempre geme
16 - Dunque annoda pur, ben mio
Cantata V - Va speme infida HWV199
17 - Va, speme infida18 - Tu baldanzosa mi vai dicendo al core
19 - Mase mendace e vana
Cantata VI - A mirarvi io son intento HWV 178
20 - A mirarvi io son intento21 - Ma l`amor per mio tormento
22 - E vibrando in un baleno
Cantata I - Sono liete, fortunate HWV 194
23 - Sono liete, fortunate24 - Crudelta ne lontananza
25 - Non avran mai la possanza
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Hi Laura Hello from Singapore! Big fan of your technique videos and performances on Youtube. Been a singer for about
Hello Ms Claycomb, hope everything is well with you. i am Tata, live in Boston and study vocal. I found your v
Hi Laura, It has been great to find this. I have admired you since our days in NATS (I was in OK at OCU). I don't know i
Many thanks for thinking of me!! :-)